May 20, 2009


I am officially a published poet.
Three of my poems appear in Poemata (Volume 24, Number 1, 2009). Below is one of the poems.

Emlsigtmat (hear a ghost)
by Lola Corkum

Awti'j. The path lies before me.
Well trod by the ancestor's moccasins.
Grandmother's spirit nudges
like a gentle wind at my back.

A'tugwaqan. Stories of the People.
Passed down from generation to generation.
Emanating out like a ripple on the water
from a well thrown stone.

Gina'masuti. Knowledge is mine.
I venture forth in new found freedom
A young bird who has discovered
its wings and takes to the skies.

Lnu. First Nations I am.
Spririts of my ancestors envelope me
as a morning dew reaches out and
gently covers a newly opened flower.

This poem is dedicated to my grandparents,
Peter & Recinicus Oliver.